"; while (list ($key, $val) = each ($form)) { # if a form element is named with any of the following prefixes, # it will be subject to evaluation $validation_type = substr($key, 0, 3); $trimmed_name = ""; if (substr($validation_type, 2, 1) == "_") { $trimmed_name = substr($key, 3, strlen($key)-3); # check for NOT EMPTY validation type if ($validation_type == "NE_") { if (!$val) { print "Please fill in the " . $trimmed_name . " field.
"; $validation_failed = 1; } } } # add form element to text (for emailing, etc.) if ($trimmed_name) { $form_text .= ucwords($trimmed_name) . ": '" . $val . "'\n"; } else { $form_text .= ucwords($key) . ": '" . $val . "'\n"; } } print ""; if ($function == "email" && !$validation_failed) { include("bigthanks.html"); mail($email_to_address, $email_subject . ": " . $form["NE_name"], $form_text); ?>


Under the Volcano is 100% Volunteer-Run.
Be a part of the Action!

To take part in this fabulous festival of resistance, you can check out the various jobs we have available, then fill out the form at the bottom of this page and let us know what you would like to do. You can
also send us an email at volcanovolunteers [at] resist.ca

Positions are first-come first-filled.

Volunteer Positions

Before the Festival

Publicity: Equip yourself with staples, wheatpaste, or your adhesive of choice and blitz your neighbourhood. Go to festivals and concerts and leaflet. Help distro the program around the neighbourhood.

During the Festival

Gates: Stand at the gates, take money, greet all the pretty people. Work it sugar, Under the Volcano relies on donations to exist.

Security: Feel tough, be tough, but peace sister, no rough stuff.

Parking: Direct cars to empty parking spaces, chastise single occupancy vehicles, get to say “No, your other left, sir”

Environment: Recycling and composting -- ‘cuz it’s better than taking out the trash.

After the Festival:

Take Down: Break down the stages, pick up garbage. More fun than you might think. We usually go back the next day and can provide rides if you need one.

All volcano volunteers will get free entrance to the festival, food, and a fabulous t-shirt.

Volunteer Information Form


(eg. East Van, DTES, Bowen Island)




Area of Interest:
Please indicate your 3 top choices (Ex: 1, 2, 3; with 1 being your first choice). Information on all volunteer positions outlined above.

Set up (full) Take down Food (full)
Gates Environment Security
Publicity Parking Info Table



Set-up 9am - 12pm
Morning 12pm - 3pm
Afternoon 3pm - 6pm
Evening 6pm - 9pm


Is there anything we can provide to make this more accessible for you?
(eg. billeting, special needs)


Have you volunteered for Volcano before, if so when and which position?


Questions? Suggestions? Comments?


T-Shirt size:


Can you recommend a really great book?


*** Orientation Sessions: Orientation sessions will be held Tues Aug 3rd and Thurs Aug 5th at 7pm at Grandview park (rain or shine).  Which session can you attend? ***

Which session can you attend?

Tues Aug 3rd @ 7pm

Thurs Aug 5th @ 7pm


< Art by Tania Willard, Red Willow Designs

Web by DayByTheHand