1:30 - 2:30
Resisting 2010: The Impact of the Olympics On Our Communities
Bus Riders Union
The Bus Riders Union is a multi-racial, multi-lingual working class organization of the transit-dependent fighting for the expansion of public services; an end to transit racism; healthy communities; and social, economic and environmental justice. Our multi-lingual core of organizers reclaim the public space of the bus to move the most exploited and oppressed - women, people of colour, Aboriginal people - into anti-racist, anti-sexist class consciousness and direct action to win concrete campaigns using popular political education and direct-contact organizing.
Bus Riders Union
(604) 215-2775
Anti-Poverty Committee
The Anti-Poverty Committee is an organization of poor and working people who fight for poor people, their rights and an end to poverty by any means necessary. For more information on the Anti-Poverty Committee’s on-going campaigns, visit http://apc.resist.ca. Contact us by e-mailing apc@resist.ca or phoning 604-682-2726. If you are able to donate financially to our legal defense or other campaigns, deposits can be made directly into our account at any branch of Vancity (account is listed under ‘Anti-Poverty Committee). Cheques or money orders made out to the APC can be mailed to P.O. Box 1, 12 East Hastings Street, Vancouver, BC V6A 1N1.
Rosalin Sam
My Name is Rosalin Sam, Lil’watool of the St’at’imc Territory. I am a mother and Grandmother concerned for the lands of the St’atimc. Land issues are the first and foremost priority in my life. It is in my blood, mind, and heart. Our lands are our survival as St’at’imc. For more info on Rosalin’s work see page 24.
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2:45 – 4:00
La Lucha Sigue: The Evolution of Resistance in the Americas
The Vancouver International Boliviarian Circle
The Vancouver Internationalist Bolivarian Circle “Bob Everton” is dedicated to establishing links between grassroots organizations in Venezuela and Canada; keeping Canadians informed about what is happening in Venezuela by organizing for open dialogue and by correcting media disinformation; encouraging Canadians from all walks of life to join in solidarity with the Venezuelan Bolivarian process; promoting close and friendly relations between Venezuela and Canada based on mutual benefit and respect; advocating the formation of an independent Canadian foreign policy towards Venezuela; and assisting organizations and individuals with opportunities for personal experiences with Venezuela.
Vancouver Communities in Solidarity with Cuba
Vancouver Communities in Solidarity with Cuba (VCSC) came together to educate, organize and mobilize people in Vancouver and across Canada in favor of the gains made by the Cuban revolution and against US imperialist intervention in Cuba. We organize film and forum events, rallies and marches, conferences and ongoing campaigns including our campaign to Lift the Blockade against Cuba. Recently we also began a campaign to demand No asylum for Luis Posada Carriles in the US! ˆ Extradite Posada to Venezuela! We are committed to working consistently and actively and we hope you will join us!
Committee For Solidarity With Colombia
The Committee was formed to bring public awareness of the Colombian struggle for social justice against a regime of bloody state violence. The Committee brings attention to alternatives for peace developed by the people’s movement, while exposing the real reasons for U.S. intervention into the country’s internal conflict, the disinformation campaign surrounding the so-called “drug war” and “terrorism” in Colombia, the role of multinational corporations in their exploitation of workers and the environment, and the horrific human rights crisis faced by the people of Colombia.
Adriana Paz
Adriana has extensive experience in education, social justice campaigns, and activist media both here and in Bolivia. She has produced community radio programs for Coop Radio in Vancouver and in Cochabamba Bolivia as well as co-authoring a book called Urban Imagery in Tarija. She has also worked in support of migrant workers and immigrant families here in BC.
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***Special Artisans Area Workshop
Introduction to Knitting
Seamrippers and The East Van Revolutionary Knitting Society Presents an Introduction to Knitting hosted by Anna White and Laura Ralph. Basic knitting techniques knitting needles and yarn will be provided.
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Profits Before People: Struggle For The Land Vs. Ambitions Of Empire
Mapuche Nation Support Committee - Aukin Nauel
Mapuche Nation Support Committee Aukin Nauel is a Vancouver based collective committed to, among other issues, supporting the struggles of the Mapuche Nation for:
- Mapuche People’s right to self-determination
- Right of Mapuche people to recover traditional ancestral lands
- The immediate and unconditional freeing of all Mapuche political prisoners
- For a halt to the application of Chilean State Internal Security Law, and the simultaneous demilitarisation of the territory of the Mapuche nation
- The right of the Mapuche people to compensation within the framework of a wide-ranging programme of “truth and historical reparation”
The Mapuche Nation Support Committee - Aukiñ Nahuel is focussed on raising awareness of the Mapuche people struggle and on building bridges of mutual solidarity with Indigenous organizations and their supporters in occupied First Nations territories of the North.
Rosalin Sam
For more info see editorial "Sutikalh 2005".
Tara Scurr – Council of Canadians
Tara has worked for the Council of Canadians as the BC-Yukon Regional Organizer since 2000. In this capacity, she works with activists in 32 communities to protect public health care, prevent bulk water exports and privatization bids, analyze international trade and its impact on communities, and promote a food-sovereign Canada. During this time, she has worked to build links between the CoC chapters and Aboriginal communities around Aboriginal Title and Rights issues, such as supporting the Sutikalh and Skwelkwek’welt protests and organized a Commission on Aboriginal Perspectives on Canada-US Relations in Kelowna in December, 2004. Prior to working at the CoC, Tara worked as a journalist in Guatemala and spent several years doing human rights work in Central America.
ADALA – Canadian Arab Justice Committee
Since September 11, Arab Canadians have felt increasingly misrepresented in the press and government. A group of people came together in early 2002 to increase our collective understanding on issues of importance to Arab Canadians, such as the Palestine question and the imminent war on Iraq. We felt a relevant organization was needed to counter the complacency and present balanced and factual information on these issues. The new lobby and advocacy organization was established to build the capacity of interested Canadians, to better respond to the media and policy makers, and to promote fair coverage and balanced decision-making. info@adala.ca
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5:45 – 7:00
“Youth On The Rise”: Strengthening Solidarity Amongst the Next Generation
Korean Students Network Against War
(KSNAW) was formed on November 15, 2003 to respond to the calls of the Iraqi people for resistance to war and occupation and to protest against the Korean government’s decision about sending troops to Iraq. Through building awareness and opposing war and occupation, KSNAW is striving to build an effective global antiwar movement in Vancouver that can unite with the demands of oppressed nations for self-determination. Kay (Sangdo) Kim, a former student and labour movement activist in south Korea, is one of co-founding members of KSNAW in Vancouver.
Johneric Concordia
Johneric Concordia has been an active organizer in his community of Downtown Los Angeles Echo Park (also known as Historic Filipinotown) since the age of 12. Recognized and awarded for his activism, Johneric has been featured in the Los Angeles Times numerous times and received the United Way’s Youth Volunteer of the Year Honor when he traveled to Australia to share and discuss his involvement with the youth of Sydney. Now 25, Johneric has lectured in various universities, community centers, high schools, conferences, and forums regarding youth organizing/activism.
Since his return from the Philippines Johneric has gone on a national speaking tour to share an in depth perspective on the ongoing struggle of the Bangsamoro people in their fight for self-determination and rights to ancestral lands.
As the Philippines has been declared the 2nd Front in Bush Jr.’s so called “War on Terror”, Mindanao and its people face continuous hardships, exploitation, human rights violations, and oppression perpetrated by the U.S. backed-Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo Regime.
Dustin Johnson
Dustin Johnson (whose tribal name is Tsm’gwantsks from the Gispwudwada (Killerwhale / Blackfish Clan) of the Tsimshian Nation of the Northwest Coast. is a member of the IIYC 2005 (International Indigenous Youth Conference) Secretariat. Dustin recently graduated from UBC and has organizing and public speaking experience as a co-founder of the Indigenous Student’s Society at UBC. For more info see Dustin’s full bio on Page 8.
Angela Sterritt
Angela Sterritt is a Gitxsan, Irish woman from East Vancouver. Her father’s matrilineal line is from the House of Wii Gaak from the Laxgibu Clan from Gitanmaax,à BC and her mother is from Newfoundland. She is an International Indigenous Youth Conference secretariat member, painter, and journalist. She is currently a UBC student and a member of the UBC Indigenous Students Society.
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